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Hyde Heath Infant School

Nurturing Excellence

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At Hyde Heath School we aim to create a learning and working environment that uses technology effectively, appropriately and imaginatively, showing how we can all engage with technology in positive and productive ways. Our curriculum is designed to give all our learners a broad understanding of technology and how they can use it both in school and in their wider lives. We have a sequenced curriculum that creates a foundation of knowledge and skills in Reception that is built upon during Key Stage 1.


Our children will not only be taught practical skills, but also awareness of when and how to use technology. Our teaching staff will model this in everyday classroom activity, using technology to support the needs of teaching and learning when appropriate.


We have high expectations and enjoy using technology to add impact, excitement and wow moments, as well as using the practicalities of software and equipment to help create work which reflects our academic interests.


We feel it is important to show that using technology is a choice and that our children must develop analytical digital literacy skills, knowing how and when to use technology, as well as developing problem solving and coding skills. We live in a world where technology is everywhere and we believe that our children and staff need to be able to make positive and responsible use of the tools and facilities available to them.

The Computing Curriculum at Hyde Heath

Computing in action at Hyde Heath

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