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Hyde Heath Infant School

Nurturing Excellence

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Our school has an extremely supportive Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that works hard organising social events to raise considerable funds for the school.

Every parent automatically becomes a member of the PTA when their child joins the school and is encouraged to take part in the fundraising events which are extremely beneficial to the continued success of the school.

The children benefit greatly from the money raised by the PTA whilst giving them the opportunity to take part in lots of fun events in the process. It’s also a great way of building friendships amongst families in the community.


PTA Committee 2023-24:

  • Chairperson:  Bella McCrudden
  • Secretary: Sarah Campbell
  • Treasurer: Fiona Murray-Zmijewski
  • Year 2 Reps:  Julia Weiss and Rosie Wainwright 
  • Year 1 Reps:  Sarah Campbell
  • Reception Reps:  Beth Mason and Susan Nicolson

Our families are very supportive of out PTA and get involved in many fundraisers throughout the year.  We are very fortunate to have been supported so well and to have raised large sums of money which have allowed the school to purchase new equipment and experiences for the children.

Recent fundraising has allowed new laptops to be bought, equipment for each class and has supported the cost of weekly Forest School sessions to take place.

How the PTA fundraisers have supported school...

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