School Day
Our school is currently open 6.25 hours per day,31.25 hours per week.
As a small rural school, our opening times reflect the need for families to travel to the school whilst also ensuring siblings can be taken and collected from the local junior schools. We have submitted our opening times to the Local Authority and will follow any guidance, including parent consultation on different timings in line with the government's White Paper 2022.
8:40 am Gates opens for children to go to the school playground
8:45 am Children go to classrooms
8:50 am Morning Registration
10:15 am - 10:30 am Morning Break
12:00pm - 1:00pm Lunch Break
1:00pm Afternoon Registration
3:00pm School ends
At 8:40 am the gate is opened for children to enter the school playground, where a member of staff will be on duty. At 8:45 am the staff member on duty will indicate time for the children to line up and be greeted by a member of their class team. They will then go straight to their classrooms, hang up their coats, store their lunchboxes, water bottles and book bags. Children should then be ready for Morning Registration at 8:50 am. Afternoon Registration is at 1:00pm and the school day finishes at 3:00pm.
Lunch: All children in school are entitled to a free school lunch, or the children may bring a home packed lunch if they prefer. To support our Healthy Eating Policy, sweets are actively discouraged and we like the lunch to include fresh fruit and/or vegetables. A range of hot or cold meals are provided each week by AIP. Menus are sent out half termly.
School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme: At morning break each day, your child will be offered a free piece of fruit or vegetable, funded through the Government/NHS scheme. This is not meant to replace any fruit or vegetables you may wish to put in your child’s lunch box.
Milk can be ordered for your child to drink at morning break (one-third pint) at the current price (free of charge for the under 5s and Pupil Premium children).
Water Bottles: Research has shown how important it is for children to drink water throughout the school day, to improve concentration and thinking skills. It is best absorbed by the body when provided in frequent small amounts.
Every day children need to bring a clear plastic water bottle, clearly named and filled with ordinary tap water (squash or juice is not allowed). Bottles are then taken home each evening to be washed and refilled ready for the next day.