Below is the list of School Uniform required.
All items of school uniform can be ordered online at www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk or by telephone on 0800 404 6644.
Any items that do not have a school logo can be purchased from a variety of stores and online retailers.
Our PTA hold a selection of pre-loved uniform which is available at regular sales throughout the year or by making contact with the school office.
We expect children to wear school uniform at all times, which is clearly marked with the child's name (at the neck or waistband as appropriate) and footwear should also be clearly named.
Our uniform consists of:
- Grey school trousers/shorts
- Grey skirt/pinafore dress
- White or red short-sleeved polo shirt with school logo or plain polo shirt or white short-sleeved shirt/blouse
- Red sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo or plain red v neck pullover/cardigan
- Red and white checked summer dress
- Sensible black school shoes (no trainers)
- Plain grey or black socks with trousers or shorts
- Plain grey/red tights or grey/white socks with skirts or dresses
- Plain white round necked t-shirt
- Black PE shorts
- Black plimsolls
- Trainers for outdoor PE
- Black jogging bottoms for colder weather
- Black sweatshirt (or red school sweatshirt) for colder weather
- Short, plain white sports socks
Sportswear is required in School every day and should be kept in a named drawstring bag on your child’s coat peg
Coats should be smart, sensible and waterproof where possible (appropriate for the weather and time of year). School fleeces and jackets can be purchased, but are not expected to be worn.
We ask children to have a summer hat / cap in school during summer months, when needed. School branded caps are available, but are not compulsory
Sun glasses are not permitted in school.
Children may use their plimsolls as indoor shoes during wet weather or any other suitable alternative to avoid muddy shoes and boots on the school floors.
Each child must have a Red Book Bag with the school logo, only available from www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk.