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Hyde Heath Infant School

Nurturing Excellence

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We aim to inspire pupils to have curiosity and fascination for the world around them and its people. Hyde Heath village, and our school, are excellent starting points for the children to gain knowledge and experience of their environment and begin to compare this to the wider world. We stimulate the children’s interest in the world’s physical and human features, helping them to develop an enquiring mind, an openness and an understanding of all that makes each place in the world different. We give pupils the knowledge, skills and opportunities to investigate places and people, and to communicate geographically.

We encourage and support children to find out about the world around them. In Reception children are given the opportunity to investigate their surroundings, look at and construct simple maps and plans, find out about their local environment and compare it to other places. The children develop observational skills and use their senses to notice changes in their environment, such as seasonal changes.

In KS1, we teach lessons based on the National Curriculum.

The children:

  • Investigate the countries and capitals of the UK

  • Use basic geographical vocabulary to describe physical and human features.

  • Use maps, atlases, simple compass directions, aerial photos and globes.

  • Use fieldwork and observational skills

  • Explore weather and climate.


Trips and visitors are also incorporated into teaching and learning across the school, to enhance understanding and give opportunities to use fieldwork geographical skills.

The Hyde Heath Geography Skills Progression Matrix is used to assess the impact of the teaching and to see where further revisiting of skills and experiences need to be given. Ongoing assessments take place though the year. Teachers use this information to inform future lessons, supporting and challenging the children as they develop.

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