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Hyde Heath Infant School

Nurturing Excellence

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Late/Absence Procedures

We are committed to raising the level of achievement of all our pupils. Promoting regular attendance is part of this target. We believe that all pupils will achieve better results, have more confidence and higher self esteem if their attendance is excellent.


The school regards regular attendance as vital to a child’s academic progress and social development, and is responsible by law for reporting poor attendance to the Local Authority. With this in mind, the Headteacher writes to the parents of all children whose attendance falls below 90% during the year, as a way of keeping them fully informed of this important aspect of their child’s education.

Attendance is monitored on a daily, weekly and termly basis, and reported to staff and governors. If your child is unwell or absent for any other reason, it is essential for us to receive an explanatory telephone call or a note on the day, so that their absence is not recorded as unauthorised.


Children who attend school as fully as possible have the greatest opportunity for learning; therefore parents are strongly discouraged from taking family holidays during term time. Absences during term-time are only authorised by the Headteacher in ‘exceptional circumstances’ as recommended by the DFE.


If a child is unable to be in school it is the responsibility of the parent or carer to inform the school before the register is taken of their reason for absence. This can be done by a phone call or email to the school each day the child is absent. Doctors and dentist appointments should be taken outside school times, whenever possible. Hospital appointment documentation should be shared with the school as proof of absence.


If parents or carers are running late for drop off or pick up the school should be notified as soon as possible.

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